Proven Track Record of Success!
The Selma and Dallas County Economic Development Authority and our partners have worked together to create a strong industrial base and the relationships keep it growing. Our natural resources, quality of life, and central location continue to attract new possibilities both in and out of our industrial parks.
industry in the last 4 years
infrastructure in place
Explore our 4 Industrial Parks
Selma and Dallas County have 4 industrial parks with infrastructure already in place, creating over 2,300 associated jobs with a diverse range of business opportunities and room to grow.
What’s Happening
Vardaman, Corrigan excited about $2.4 Million Grant will Support Remote Air Traffic Control Academy at Craig Field
Expansion, new jobs announced for Selma Hyundai supplier
Aviation Industry Continues to Grow in Dallas Co.
Resicum plans aviation training facility at Selma’s Craig Field
Pioneering remote aviation control tower landing at Selma’s Craig Field
“After several years of working with the Craig Field Airport Authority and the Selma & Dallas County Economic Development Authority, we are thankful for them being able to promote this project with the Alabama Department of Commerce and Governor Kay Ivey,”
Monica Cunningham
“We are exceptionally pleased to invest in Craig Field and expand our company in Selma,” Resicum CEO Jeanine Ziervogel said. “The location is ideal for our company’s expansion, and we look forward to ongoing growth of our aviation operations in this storied place.”
Jeanine Ziervogel